Weekday spots are usually a no go. But somehow on this past weekday, Commerce was a go go.
Welcome to huck nation. As you can see the rails are gone now.
Workin' their way over.
Size it up.
Sweep it up.
It's not that Roy's an idiot, he just tries so hard to be.
Boom! Fo' real...
Tricks were made. The shirt don't lie.
Chris posted his black-ass up for the moment.
"Fosheezy my neezy."
Boardslide backers.
This is the last place I'd expect to see a school.
"Sometimes it is fun to skate like a really big rail to me."
Never let the A.B.D.'s get to you. Truth is, they got to him.
Back for more.
I call this one, "Escape from Freedom."